In English and Spanish there are words that sound very similar, but mean something totally diferent.
Here we present some of the most common words:
A | A |
actual (current, present) | actual (real, exacto) |
asistir (to attend) | assist (ayudar) |
atender (to pay attention) | attend (asistir) |
B | B |
balde (bucket) | bald (calvo) |
basamento (base of a column) | basement (sótano) |
bigote (moustache) | bigot (intolerante) |
bizarro (brave, gallant) | bizarre (raro) |
boda (wedding) | body (cuerpo) |
bombero (firefighter) | bomber (bombardero, terrorista) |
C | C |
campo (countryside) | camp (campamento) |
carpeta (folder) | carpet (alfombra) |
chocar (crash, collide) | choke (ahogar, asfixiar) |
casualidad (coincidence, chance) | casualty (victima) |
cita (appointment) | city (ciudad) |
codo (elbow) | code (código) |
colegio (high school) | college (universidad) |
complexión (body constitution) | complexion (tez, cutis) |
contestar (to answer) | contest (concurso) |
corresponder (to correspond) | correspond with (escribirse) |
D | D |
delito (crime) | delight (deleite) |
desgracia (misfortune) | disgrace (vergüenza) |
disgusto (annoyance) | disgust (asco, repugnancia) |
decepción (disappointment) | deception (engaño) |
despertar (to wake) | desperate (desesperado) |
destituido (fired) | destitute (indigente) |
E | E |
embarazada (pregnant) | embarrassed (avergonzado) |
empresa (company) | empress (emperatríz) |
enviar (to send) | envy (envidia) |
estrechar (to narrow) | stretch (elasticidad) |
estimado (dear) | estimate (estimación) |
éxito (success) | exit (salida) |
F / G / I | F / G / I |
fábrica (factory) | fabric (tela, tejido) |
ganga (bargain) | gang (pandilla) |
grosería (rudeness) | grocery (tienda de comestibles) |
introducir (insert) | introduce (presentar) |
L | L |
largo (long) | large (grande) |
lectura (reading) | lecture (conferencia, charla) |
librería (bookstore) | library (biblioteca) |
M / N / O | M / N / O |
molestar (bother) | molest (agredir sexualmente) |
nudo (knot) | nude (desnudo) |
once (eleven) | once (una vez) |
P | P |
parada (stop) | parade (desfile) |
pariente (relative) | parent (padre) |
pie (foot) | pie (pastel) |
preocupado (worried) | preoccupied (distraído) |
R | R |
realizar (carry out) | realize (darse cuenta de) |
recordar (to remember) | record (documento) |
ropa (clothes) | rope (cuerda) |
S | S |
sano (healthy) | sane (cuerdo) |
sensible (sensitive) | sensible (sensato) |
sopa (soup) | soap (jabón) |
soportar (to resist) | support (apoyo) |
suceso (event) | success (éxito) |
U / V | U / V |
últimamente (recently) | ultimately (al final) |
vaso (glass) | vase (jarrón) |